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Standing Orders

1. Microphones of all members shall remain muted, except when permitted by the Chairperson.


2. Cameras of all members shall remain off unless addressing the Chairperson.


3. If addressing the Chairperson with cameras on, the member must be appropriately dressed.


4. A member shall only address the meeting when called upon by the Chairman to do so, at which time they may unmute their microphone.


5. No member shall address the meeting except through the Chairman. Speeches are to be clear and relevant to the subject before the meeting.


6. Members shall use the Raise Hand button in the following circumstances only:

(a). He/she is the mover or seconder of a motion.

(b). He/she is raising a point of order.

(c). He/she requires to object or to explain.

(d). He /she require the urgent attention of the Chairperson. The member shall identify themselves before proceeding.


7. A member may not speak twice on the same subject except:  

(i) The mover of a “motion”, who has the right to reply.

(ii) He/she rises to object or to explain (with the permission of the Chair).


8. The mover of a “procedural motion” (adjournment, lay on the table, motion to postpone shall have no right of reply).


9. No speeches are to be made after the “Question” has been put and carried or denied.


10. A member rising on a “point of order” to state the point clearly and concisely. A point of order must have relevance to the standing orders.


11. A member shall not “call” another member “to order” but may draw the attention of the Chair to a “breach of order”. On no account can a member call the Chair “to order”.


12. Only one amendment should be before the meeting at one and the same time.


13. When a motion is withdrawn, any amendment to it fails.


14. The Chairman shall have the right to a “casting vote”, in addition to his ordinary vote.


15. If there is equality of voting on an amendment and if the Chairman does not exercise his casting vote the amendment is lost.


16. Provision shall be made for protection of the Chairman from vilification (personal abuse).


17. No member shall impute improper motives against another.


18. The recording of the AGM is prohibited unless permission is granted by the Chairperson.

Virtue lies in the struggle, not the prize!

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